精選 Microsoft Office 課程

Certificate in Microsoft PowerPoint

課程編號: CMP1001



Powerpoint2 PowerPoint1

Certificate in Microsoft PowerPoint 商務應用課程簡介

PowerPoint 商務應用課程由淺入深,無需任何相關經驗。我們的導師由基礎開始講解PowerPoint究竟是一套什麼軟件,如何在日常工作中結合MS Office其他軟件WORD, Excel, Access等,完成美術設計以及製作各種專業的商務簡報。所有學員完成課程後將能夠熟練地操作PowerPoint使用各種範例,圖片,音樂,動畫製作出各種精美的簡報,並且明白PowerPoint功能表上面每一個按鈕的意思以及相關功能。

本課程融合了多年的實戰經驗,令各位學員能夠充分利用及了解MS Office各版本的特點。由1997年的紮實基礎到 Office 365 雲端版本的最新技術,都能夠靈活運用。


課程時數:   每堂 小時



公司培訓:本課程適用於公司團體培訓, 詳情可與我們職員聯絡。


報名方法:1)網上即時報名  2)  銀行入數報名



      證書認可 : 完成課程後可以申領證書一份



      Introduction to  MS Office 2016 Applications
      Tick Icon What is MS Office 2016?
      Tick Icon Introduction to PowerPoint 2016
      Tick Icon Application of MS Office Apps
      Tick Icon Why do we use MS PowerPoint and not other applications?
      Tick Icon Are there any PowerPoint replacements?
      Tick Icon Caution when using Windows / Macintosh and PowerPoint
      Tick Icon Introduction to PowerPoint version
      Tick Icon PowerPoint 2016 vs older versions

      PowerPoint File Format
      Tick Icon Introduction to  PowerPoint file .ppt
      Tick Icon How to open a PowerPoint file in local drive and cloud drive (Onedrive)
      Tick Icon Using the PowerPoint layout
      Tick Icon Using the PowerPoint Tabs layout
      Tick Icon Introduction to PowerPoint Ribbon tabs and functions
      Tick Icon Setting the Ribbon Tabs options
      Tick Icon Understanding The Ribbon Tabs content
      Tick Icon Using the File button

      Saving PowerPoint files for business applications
      Tick Icon How to save a PowerPoint file?
      Tick Icon How to save the PowerPoint file to difference version?
      Tick Icon How to use save and save as options for PowerPoint?
      Tick Icon How to save a file to a server/cloud?
      Tick Icon How to save the file to a PDF file?
      Tick Icon How to open the file in iPad/iPhone?

      PowerPoint Operation and Functions
      Tick Icon Building a PowerPoint presentation.
      Tick Icon How to use a template for a PowerPoint presentation?
      Tick Icon How to insert slides?
      Tick Icon How to delete slides?
      Tick Icon How to move slides?
      Tick Icon How to change the views in PowerPoint?
      Tick Icon How to change the background image?
      Tick Icon Sourcing PowerPoint templates
      Tick Icon How to use TextBox options
      Tick Icon How to use Font options and WordArt
      Tick Icon How to insert and edit images?
      Tick Icon Advance setting for Images
      Tick Icon Cropping an Image
      Tick Icon Adding effect filters to an image
      Tick Icon Adding photo frames to an image
      Tick Icon Adding color filters to an image
      Tick Icon Adding gallery effect to an image
      Tick Icon Removing background for an image
      Tick Icon Reducing the size and resolution for an image
      Tick Icon How to insert and edit transitions and animations?
      Tick Icon Adjusting the transition effect, duration and sound
      Tick Icon Adjusting the direction of the transition
      Tick Icon Adjusting the vector path of the transition
      Tick Icon Adjusting the delay setting of the transition
      Tick Icon Adjusting the animation item orders by using the animation pane
      Tick Icon Adjusting the animation duration and sounds
      Tick Icon Customize the animation effects
      Tick Icon How to insert audio(MP3) and video(MP4,Youtube) to PowerPoint?
      Tick Icon Insert a JPEG, PNG
      Tick Icon Insert a MP3, MP4 or YouTube
      Tick Icon How to insert charts?
      Tick Icon How to insert charts from Excel
      Tick Icon How to edit the Excel data in PowerPoint
      Tick Icon Excel/PowerPoint Integration
      Tick Icon How to play presentation and use presenter view for advance presentation
      Tick Icon Projecting the PowerPoint to second screen or projector

      PowerPoint course topics
